
Monday, December 6, 2021

The Adventure Of The Temple

At  4 PM a group of people had heard roomers about a temple somewhere among some extreme hills there the ancient temple lied on its own peaceful island surrounded by water and hills. The 3 men all knew that the wanted to go on the adventure to find this temple a man walked over to them he must of heard what they were talking about and he said ''On top of that hill there should be a man, he is smart he should know were it will be'' All the men nodded at the same time and went up the hill there were rocks and trees and extreme ground it took them a hour to get to the top then they saw a man siting with 5 tall rock pillars with carvings on them the man was sitting on a big flat rock with more carvings and a ring going around him the man stood up and asked the group ''What is it that you want?'' The group then said back to the man ''We are looking for a ancient temple do you know were it would be?'' The group said to the man, Then the man said ''I have been waiting for somebody to ask me something like this here take this.'' the man said while giving 1 of the people in the group a map

The group said ''Thanks.'' Then walked away then they found out that the hill was one big cliff were the man was looking off to then it was night the found a river so they cut down some bamboo and made some makeshift rope and pushed it into a near by river because it would make it easier to get there. Then they all went to sleep one of the men woke up at the brake of dawn then they saw the hills he yelled out ''WE ARE HERE!'' What then woke up the others the grabbed their paddles and went in between the hills they couldn't believe their eyes the then were now in a lake surrounded by the extreme hills it was just like the legends they then use their paddles to go over to the island then got off their rafts and pushed them onto the island the temple was made from mostly stone and covered in moss

then entered the temple the first man entered then hit a trip wire an the others said ''DUCK'' so he did and he doges some arrows they see some stairs it leads to the top of the temple they can see out of the top and then a hole opens in the ground of the temple they see a old stone platform with a golden cup they hear a voice come from the cup and the voice said ''You have found the temple spread word of it and you will get 3 wish's the group then said okay we will tell people about this place the voice then said ''Ok what are your wishes?'' they said to be rich and have a company and... own their own Connery called E-papa the voice said ''Ok your wish is my command'' then the cup had a bunch of smoke come out of it and then when it went away they were kings and everything was good and amazing how did they tell people about the temple? Well it was this story was how they showed people. THE END

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Quick Write (Blending In)

As the they dashed off away a glimmer of stripes could be seen. Among the star like horses a zebra could be seen they were running to shelter for the night and the zebra had no were to stay. The zebra knew that the horses knew were shelter was so it dashed away with them. Among them almost fitting in it started raining so they started dashing faster but the zebra couldn't keep up it had to run and run all it could as the zebra slowed down the zebra saw that they were walking into the darkness like been sucked up into a black hole that was when it knew that they were there as the zebra walked in it looked the almost the same as the rest of the horses in the dark. The zebra then sat down with the horses and was know gone and couldn't be seen. In the morning when the sun flew into the sky, they all stood up and ran away and the zebra walked away not to be seen again. The end.


Similes are comparing things,

here are some similes I made:

Floating in the water is like laying down in space.

Running is like speeding in a race car.

Cats fur feels like the tip of a brand new paint brush.

Hockey is like foot ball with a thick stick.

Sleeping is like running out of battery on your computer.

Farting is like pooping but nothing comes out.

People find me funny like a clown.

Monday, November 29, 2021


We started more for drama if you haven't seen the Arts blog look at it before this one. We have been tasked to do our group intro humpty dumpy and a fairy tail of our choice my fairy tail i picked was Goldie locks and the 3 bears the people in my group are Riley Winslow Arthur and Me we have finished our story board. there is more coming soon.

New song

 This week for music we wanted to make a new song Here it is: New better song It is so good and amazing. There is way more on this song. Thank you.

Monday, November 22, 2021


 At school we got to pick an art we wanted to do the choices were: Music, Dance, Visual arts and Drama. I chose to do drama because I find it funny to do and lots of my friends chose it as well. What we have done so far is: introduction no, Humpty dumpy no, Our secret fairy tail We have started.                                        That is what we have done so far. More should be coming soon.

Epic Rap.

Here is the best music in the world I made it in like 1 hour:
Best song ever.
I made this song with: Luke Tyson Dylan and me.

The song is done