
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Jr Hill.

I hear people doing sports far away near the court. Little kids in the nearby class whispering like little toys and air whisking past my ear like I'm running from a tsunami. 

I smell wood like wood particles floating in the air of a newly cut tree and fresh air like a sunny day on the beach. 

I see silky clouds infecting the navy blue sky and a big fake grass hill. Sitting places make from wood and sometimes fake green grass like lush fields. A sand pit with curvy sand like waves and shovels and spades scattering like ants across the sand pit.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The start of super turtle story. (1)

Once apon a time a turtle became a super er hero want to know how? Well here is how it all started one day a turtle was born the family was poor they lived in the sewers they were thinking for a name for him and he walked around the corner there was a toxic waist wast can around the corner he started licking it up and then it roles to wards him he put his hand in front of him to stop it and he opened his eyes and it stoped he picked it up put it a side and started flying over to his parents then the name struck Super turtle! now you know his origin now lets bring you to now super turtle is attacking a bay guy we dont know his name... but he likes hot air balloons he always trys to destroy the town called chad land that super turtle gards but super turtle all ways pops the hot air balloon and that is the start of super turtle.

Friday, March 5, 2021

The garden story

 I can hear crowds shouting far away like a public pool, And the wind passing the trees like waves crashing on the beach, air rushing past my ear like like in running at the speed of sound. and then smell of fruit and veggies like perfume willow trees with branches swishing from side to side, fences like clouds and green containers like the grass in side our school garden.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Robber mice.

 Once apon a time there was a mice gang of 3, they had stole some glasses and jackets and a hat they herd LOUD bashing on the door. Oh no its the rat police! said one Hide! said the other mice, They scatted and Then... the rat police bashed the door in and started looking for then but they were hidden to well for them to find them. one of then mice made a floor bored creek when they looked where they heard it and nothing was there. But then the rat police pulled out a dangerous weapon mice bomb kills mice in seconds it said on the container, the rat police then put on gas masks and pulled the pin and threw the mice bomb sending gas all over the house. Run! said one of the mice they jumped out of the window got in there van lets never steal stuff ever again. You can say that again the other mice said and they never stole stuff ever again. The end. :)

Monday, March 1, 2021

My Monday mashup change.

 Today for our next Monday mashup we had to get new teams we we got into new teams. our first challenge was to make a word from things we had to make the word taskmaster, we got 2 points for that then we had to make he word rawhiti we got 4 points from, that so that was 6 points from that task. our next task was to find out what contery says the word woof and we got one right Chinese so we got 1 point. so then we had 7 points. now what we had to next was balance as meany things one one of our team members heads, so then we managed to balance a cricket base for wickets 3 books and 1 cone but then it was brake time so i didn't see out score. To see what happens next wait for my next Monday mash up blog post.

Monday mashup (again)

I did Monday mash up again What we did was we need to make something to fling a shoe into a hop we put a hockey stick into a hole put the shoe on the end and we flung it it didn't go to far we got 3 points that one a team got 5 points two other teams got 4 points and one team got 1 or 2 points we now had 12 points next challenge was to find something that started with s we were thinking sand sock stone or a person like... some body that started with s? But because brake time started we didn't get t see the scores so we hot 3 points that was the end of the Monday mashup we what happens next on the end Monday mashup.