
Monday, December 6, 2021

The Adventure Of The Temple

At  4 PM a group of people had heard roomers about a temple somewhere among some extreme hills there the ancient temple lied on its own peaceful island surrounded by water and hills. The 3 men all knew that the wanted to go on the adventure to find this temple a man walked over to them he must of heard what they were talking about and he said ''On top of that hill there should be a man, he is smart he should know were it will be'' All the men nodded at the same time and went up the hill there were rocks and trees and extreme ground it took them a hour to get to the top then they saw a man siting with 5 tall rock pillars with carvings on them the man was sitting on a big flat rock with more carvings and a ring going around him the man stood up and asked the group ''What is it that you want?'' The group then said back to the man ''We are looking for a ancient temple do you know were it would be?'' The group said to the man, Then the man said ''I have been waiting for somebody to ask me something like this here take this.'' the man said while giving 1 of the people in the group a map

The group said ''Thanks.'' Then walked away then they found out that the hill was one big cliff were the man was looking off to then it was night the found a river so they cut down some bamboo and made some makeshift rope and pushed it into a near by river because it would make it easier to get there. Then they all went to sleep one of the men woke up at the brake of dawn then they saw the hills he yelled out ''WE ARE HERE!'' What then woke up the others the grabbed their paddles and went in between the hills they couldn't believe their eyes the then were now in a lake surrounded by the extreme hills it was just like the legends they then use their paddles to go over to the island then got off their rafts and pushed them onto the island the temple was made from mostly stone and covered in moss

then entered the temple the first man entered then hit a trip wire an the others said ''DUCK'' so he did and he doges some arrows they see some stairs it leads to the top of the temple they can see out of the top and then a hole opens in the ground of the temple they see a old stone platform with a golden cup they hear a voice come from the cup and the voice said ''You have found the temple spread word of it and you will get 3 wish's the group then said okay we will tell people about this place the voice then said ''Ok what are your wishes?'' they said to be rich and have a company and... own their own Connery called E-papa the voice said ''Ok your wish is my command'' then the cup had a bunch of smoke come out of it and then when it went away they were kings and everything was good and amazing how did they tell people about the temple? Well it was this story was how they showed people. THE END

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Quick Write (Blending In)

As the they dashed off away a glimmer of stripes could be seen. Among the star like horses a zebra could be seen they were running to shelter for the night and the zebra had no were to stay. The zebra knew that the horses knew were shelter was so it dashed away with them. Among them almost fitting in it started raining so they started dashing faster but the zebra couldn't keep up it had to run and run all it could as the zebra slowed down the zebra saw that they were walking into the darkness like been sucked up into a black hole that was when it knew that they were there as the zebra walked in it looked the almost the same as the rest of the horses in the dark. The zebra then sat down with the horses and was know gone and couldn't be seen. In the morning when the sun flew into the sky, they all stood up and ran away and the zebra walked away not to be seen again. The end.


Similes are comparing things,

here are some similes I made:

Floating in the water is like laying down in space.

Running is like speeding in a race car.

Cats fur feels like the tip of a brand new paint brush.

Hockey is like foot ball with a thick stick.

Sleeping is like running out of battery on your computer.

Farting is like pooping but nothing comes out.

People find me funny like a clown.

Monday, November 29, 2021


We started more for drama if you haven't seen the Arts blog look at it before this one. We have been tasked to do our group intro humpty dumpy and a fairy tail of our choice my fairy tail i picked was Goldie locks and the 3 bears the people in my group are Riley Winslow Arthur and Me we have finished our story board. there is more coming soon.

New song

 This week for music we wanted to make a new song Here it is: New better song It is so good and amazing. There is way more on this song. Thank you.

Monday, November 22, 2021


 At school we got to pick an art we wanted to do the choices were: Music, Dance, Visual arts and Drama. I chose to do drama because I find it funny to do and lots of my friends chose it as well. What we have done so far is: introduction no, Humpty dumpy no, Our secret fairy tail We have started.                                        That is what we have done so far. More should be coming soon.

Epic Rap.

Here is the best music in the world I made it in like 1 hour:
Best song ever.
I made this song with: Luke Tyson Dylan and me.

The song is done

Monday, November 15, 2021

Swiming work


At swimming time I forgot to bring my togs so instead we had to make 4 rules of the pool then we could draw a picture of a pool this is what I drew
<----- my 4 rules are 
1. No running at the pool.
2. No doing bombs at the pool.
3. Don't push people into the pool.
4. Do not eat in the pool.
That is my four rules.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

My Minecraft Rocket.

With the rise team (CRT) we have been making rockets in Minecraft. Me and my Buddy Riley made this launch site with a rocket we made it so the seats work as you can see on the bottom middle picture you can see our entire site on all of the pictures. there were lots of other groups you can look at their blogs of their space ships they made we made ours a rocket ship and not a space shuttle because we found it easier we also made it small because we didn't want it to go to build height or make it to long to build. And that is about my Minecraft rocket.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


My Science Inquiry

By Jai C
Me and my Buddy (Noah S) made this Slide: 

Our main questions are: 
What are the similarities of Mars and Earth?
What are the similarities of Earth and Neptune?
What is the similarity of Earth and all the other planets?

Monday, September 20, 2021

My Animation

 This is my story called Fight Of The forest it was really fun to make (Sorry if this story makes you feel happy sad or others to you. Enjoy!

Friday, September 17, 2021

Wondering about space

Here is so me work I did about space

Monday, September 6, 2021

Quick Write/Alight

 Here is my quick write:

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Quick math

 Here is my quick 21 I took 6:35 mins at got a score of 21/21 (I don't know why there is a little man on the page.)

Lock-down activities

 Here is me painting a picture I am painting a                                                                                                     cube/ 3D square.

Here I am going for a bike ride with my family,                                                 this is on ANZAC Dr.

Here is a game we created its called hockey 4 square. We all have a goal behind us that we want to defend and you have to stay in your quarter if you get the ball, then you can hit it at someones goal, if you get it in you get a point and they get the ball, if you don't get it in they get the ball and you don't get a point.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Walk To The Beach

 Yesterday we went for a big walk to the beach. We went all the way to the Pier and back, it took us about an hour and a half here are some pictures at the bottom of the Pier.

My pets

After our zoom meeting yesterday I thought I would show you a photo of our 2 cats. The gray one is called Misty and the long hair tabby cat below is Lottie. They are both girls. Misty is very playful and Lottie is nice and calm. They are enjoying the sunny days.


Quick 21

Here is my quick 21 It took me 8:13 mins/secs. And got a 21/21.


Monday, August 16, 2021

MakeyMakey® Controllers

Me and my buddy Jed have been making things with MakeyMakeys®. We had to make some game controllers and we had been doing this for a while though, finding out what works (makes power go though it) and what doesn't. Then a fortnight later we came back to the MakeyMakey® things. We made a plan a fortnight ago. When we began to work on the plan, it was like a mini dance dance revaluation thing and the arrows are play doh® because its conductive, we had 5 squares. The next time we came My buddy coloured it in but we didn't add the arrows we just had blobs of play doh®. We connected up the wires and then tested it and it worked. The end.

Space inquiry!

On the 2.8.2021 we started working on people (and other man made things) in space for our inquiry, on the first day we just watched some things about space, it was only a short lesson. Then the next day we did some work. We had to sort out the different space facts the name picture and facts were jumbled up, we had to look at a slide showing the facts in the right places so we had to go onto the jumbled up one get the right facts and put them onto a blank one we had to sort them out in the blank slide. Then when we were done we had to pick the space ship we like the most, I liked the one called Space shuttle (I think.) we would then have to write extra facts about the space ship we picked. The next day we made a space ship from lego. I made it with Luke and Duke.

Chocolate earth

For my inquiry we put an M&M (the M&M is outside is the outer-core and the inside is the inner-core) in a marshmallow (the marshmallow is the mantel) and chocolate coating. (the crust) to show the earth the end (and we ate it (yes i ate earth.))


Monday, August 2, 2021

My Math's Measurement Work.

 at math we have been doing measurement like as meters litres etc. Some thing we did at compasity is we guessed how much cups of water can fit in a pot and then we would start fulling up the pot and find out how meany cups actually fits in the pot then we would do the same with a 2 leater coke can there were some other things we did but that was the funnest. We also did temperature at temperature we put our finger in hot warm and cold water my guess for hot the hottest water was °28c I dont rember the real temp for. The warm water I guessed °24c I dont rember the temp for this to. And for the coldest water I guessed °0c but the real temp was -°1c then with our team we get to pick we go around the school in different places and see what the temp is. And we did mass i think what we did was guessed how meany balls we thought would be the same weight as 3 weights about a 1 KG and we thought what 20 medium sized marbles but it was about 9 of them and then we did some other things but I dont rember them.

Monday, July 26, 2021

The Bridle Path Walk Experience.

on the 6/7/2021 we went for a walk on the bridle path to see what the Europeans did to come to new Zealand but we had it easy because we didn't carry what they did we only had to carry a lunch box and drink bottle but the Europeans had to carry knifes, forks, spoons, hats, etc, even a grand piano. Im not sure if they did it in one big walk or they kept going back to get the rest. I think the start of the walk was the hardest because the roads leading up to it were very hard to walk up, the start but after that I got more used to it and it got less steep. We had lots of brakes but I could of kept going with out stopping, I think we had the brakes to let people catch up to us. I walked wit Riley S for all of the walk, the path was made of gravel it was just skinnier then a car at some parts it got quite thin the thinnest it got if you layed a bike side ways on the path it would cover the full width of the path. it was also quite windy at times. I was wearing 3 layers my school uniform 2 layers and a jacket from home 1 layer. My mum came to. while we were walking we found bunkers that were use in W.W.2 or something I think they were bomb shelters I saw two on the walk one had spray paint all over it and the other one didn't after I went in the 2nd bunker I saw the top we then ate our lunch had a brake and kept going. The going down was slower. When we were going down there was a sign saying what the Europeans did when the went over the Bridle Path. but I didn't read it we had a stop and then we kept going and got to the bottom. and got on the bus and went home

Monday, June 28, 2021

Music story

For our arts rotation we had to make an art story and this is my story:

Click here to start the music.

Its been 10 days since the invasion started. I took cover in a abound on gas station wait i hear something out side I need to look. Uh oh its a horde of zombies, I broke the back window and got in the van I quickly speed away I drive into a tunnel I stop because the road is blocked some cars have been flipped over somebody is inside of one of the cars. I quickly pick them up and bring them into the car, lots of zombies are following us now I quickly speed away the man wakes up I tell him every thing will be okay. After we were driving for a while he tells me he worked at a place called the SNF, it stands for Super Normal Foundation they had a box that if it opened the world would end somebody ran in the room and opened the box people trying to stop him it was already to late he said if we make it there in a week we can stop it and the world can be saved he pointed to a massive red beam in the sky go there he said we quickly drove there lots of zombies were following us he pulled out his weapon and shoot some of them they were gaining on us we were getting close but we got away in time we just made it the core of the invasion we now only have 5 hours to do this theirs a lot of zombies iv got to close the box I dash to the middle and a massive zombie comes we begin attacking it we defeated the big zombie we have 30 mins to go I got there in tie and we closed the box and we did it we saved the world.

Monday mashup gardening.

For most Mondays ive been going to the garden to do well... gardening. we would get a plant in a small plastic pot hit it on a table or something to loosen the plant then we would get a plastic bag made for potting plaints put a bit of soil in the bottom if the pot and get the plant that was in the small plastic pot and hold it in the middle at a height that fells right add potting mixture until its a finger width from the top and then we would get a weed mat to go around the plant we had put in the bag then we would put stones on top of the weed mat and put it in its right place and then we would do it again until we are out of plants then we start a new tray and we keep doing that until we can leave to go to brake or play a game of doge ball or manhunt.

Monday, June 21, 2021

The SCP foundation.

The SCP foundation well what they do? Well this is explaining basically what they do they Secure Contain and Protect. extra terrestrial objects and people and test test subjects on them they call them SCP's they call the test subjects CD's they get the test subjects by taking highly wanted prisoners the the SCP foundation. next up we have the Scientists. they test the CD's on the SCP's and take notes on what happen most of the time they need Security to come with them what brings us onto the next one security they come with the scientists to protect them from the dangers of the SCP's they also re contain the SCP's that brake out and make sure the CD's don't try and escape. and next up we have the Mobile Task Forse They are basically security but more important and do a lot more and next we have Red Right Hand they help the MTF and what they do is if very bad SCP's escape they will escort out the high ranks they have scout defender and attacker the scout makes sure if any SCP's and in the next room if there isn't any dangers SCP's the Red Right Hand and the high ranks will move into the next room the defender make sure the high ranks are okay and attack any dangers SCP's and the attacker attacks any SCP's they see and usually go with the scout. Next we have the medics they make try to find out how the SCP's work and to help anybody who has been hurt. Next up we have next we have site directors there is lots of sites they go from site [DATA EXPUNGED] up to site [DATA EXPUNGED] oh whats that? Just the SCP foundations way of not letting people know about things and any ways they are usually the leader of one of the sites and are the boss and can do anything they want unless the 05 consensual doesn't like what you're doing witch brings us onto the 05 counsel they are the big boss they make all of the discussions and are protected by the highest of ranks and best of [REDACTED] oh just trying to hide them self but any ways again they are better then the site directors and there is only 5 counsel and its said O five not zero five they all lead some thing 05 of security is the boss of well security and scientists,  MTF you get the picture theirs a lot of other stuff in the SCP foundation lets get into the good stuff the SCP's the name the things they Secure Contain and protect first we have SCP 049 he his kept in a concrete  15 meters long, 15 meters wide. he wears a plague doctor mask from the black plague times his touches are dangers if he dose touch you you will be concussed and he will turn you into a zombie! SCP 173 is a SCP kept in a concert room 15 meters long and 15 meters wide its a concert statute with spray paint on the face it sort of looks like a peanut with arms and legs and its as tall as a grown man and onto what it dose if you are looking at it you are safe but if you look away or blink you will have your neck snapped in a heart beat but if there is someone else in the room looking at the SCP then you are safe SCP 173's cell needs to be cleaned once a week 2 people look and tell each other when they are going to blink. and the other one cleans up the brown stuff on the ground (its unknown what is made of but it has blood in it) and that it for this one. next up we have SCP 682 its in a room im not sure what its made of or what the size is all I know is its a very big room and a very strong material what it dose is well its impossible to be killed if you attack it in a way once it will adapt and make it so you cant attack it that way any more its also very big as big as my house it looks like a dinosaur that is half skeleton. its goal is to destroy every sentient thing on our plant. and that is about all and goodbye. 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Ferry mead expernce

 We went to ferry mead to show us what a day in a life in the 1850. First my group went to crafts I made 2 illusion things we had the option to make an illusion thing that when you spin it really fast it makes it look like the pictures on opposite sides are on the same side, we also can make rope from flax make candles from dipping it in hot wax and there was also knitting next we went to packing the trunk at packing the trunk we put what we put things in the bottom of the boat or stuff we would keep and bring into our room on the boat some of the things were nails, old fashion nail gun, high heels, hats (the hat was the hat the girls are wearing in the picture above.),  soap. And more. Next we went to immigration we picked a name and job my name and job was Albert and my job was a engineer then we got a form to fill out saying if were an immigrant or not and if we had a family or not I didn't have a family and  next we went to V hut the last and funnest activity we had to do choirs people would do in old V huts some were Isolating the roof you would get flax put them in bundles and put it on the, roof another one was shinning the shoes we would put black stuff one the shoes with a brush, making a pot for plants out of news paper, we also cleaned the deck with a bar of soap and wet water cleaning the silver and some more. Then after that we took off the old clothing and then got to explore the place then 30-60 mins later we left and that was what we did at ferry mead.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Old rail road

 In a forest far far away with lush green trees waving in the wind, spongy lime green moss slowly taking over the cranky old worn down wood, with mystical fog as far as the eye can see, bugs infesting the rail road and the sun beaming down apon the old cranky railroad.

But just then something came zooming as fast as lightning almost wearing down the rail road into nothing, what went zooming past? Well it was a train not any old train the train full of frogs not just in the train they were driving it as well the frogs were doing every thing in the train. What were they doing you may ask? Well the rest of this story will tell you just that.

Lots of frogs go on this train every winter because the cold is to hard to handle so they come on once a year. ''All aboard!'' Screened Train Diver frog all of the frogs zoomed into the train once every body was in the train they took off like a rocket ship ''Thank you for taking the winter express.'' Said Train Diver Frog ''Next stop is at the end of winter.'' The workers gave all the frogs food the train is very big it has all the things you need as a frog. ON the train they can sleep eat sit learn and more. Winter was nearing its end they were near the station as they slowed down the train diver said ''thank you for driving with us!'' And all the frogs dashed out. The end.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Wellington AD (Poster)

I picked to make a poster for Wellington because I went to Wellington and i enjoyed my stay there and i remember what I did and i don't remember what I did at other towns/city's,etc I went to that I went to.

Monday, May 10, 2021

The case of the missing house.

Once apon a time it was a boys birthday they went out to time zone to play games it was bright when they came but when they left it was dark they felt like they went there for that long when they left they felt like they were there over night when they went home something wasn't right they tried opening the door but they a big cardboard cut out of there house fell over 'oh no!' said the boy, they then called the police they immediately started investigating they didn't find the house they started working harder and called in the SWAT they didn't find it so they worked harder and called in the detectives they didn't find it so they worked harder and called in the professionals they once again didn't find it and worked harder and this time they called in the finest workers in the world that work for a foundation called the SCP foundation but that is for a different story they told the boy that it was some were near the new houses but they cant go there so the boy and his brother went on a big adventure it took days but they finally made it the house was upgraded it was more modern so they settled in and they lived happy ever after.

School lunches slide show.

The slide show I made with Riley, Toby and Jacob. For our math.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Easter :)

On Easter morning i had a sleep in and my mum woke me up and I found a big egg and the end of by bed we all got to gather and then started did out egg hunt i found a egg that was in a wooden container there was also one behind the pillows one on a shelf it was to high so my mum had to get it for me there were some hidden among the Lego and one was in my Lego car and there were some other eggs hidden around. and after hanging around home for a bit I went to my uncles we talked played then ate lunch it was the best lunch of this week then after that we talked a bit did some games ate dinner it was the best dinner of this week and then I talked played a piano and then ate desert it was roasted marsh mellows on a fire that my uncle me and Nico made they were yummy because I like marsh mellows. after desert we talked a bit then we went home, After that I went to sleep, And that was my Easter.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Jr Hill.

I hear people doing sports far away near the court. Little kids in the nearby class whispering like little toys and air whisking past my ear like I'm running from a tsunami. 

I smell wood like wood particles floating in the air of a newly cut tree and fresh air like a sunny day on the beach. 

I see silky clouds infecting the navy blue sky and a big fake grass hill. Sitting places make from wood and sometimes fake green grass like lush fields. A sand pit with curvy sand like waves and shovels and spades scattering like ants across the sand pit.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The start of super turtle story. (1)

Once apon a time a turtle became a super er hero want to know how? Well here is how it all started one day a turtle was born the family was poor they lived in the sewers they were thinking for a name for him and he walked around the corner there was a toxic waist wast can around the corner he started licking it up and then it roles to wards him he put his hand in front of him to stop it and he opened his eyes and it stoped he picked it up put it a side and started flying over to his parents then the name struck Super turtle! now you know his origin now lets bring you to now super turtle is attacking a bay guy we dont know his name... but he likes hot air balloons he always trys to destroy the town called chad land that super turtle gards but super turtle all ways pops the hot air balloon and that is the start of super turtle.

Friday, March 5, 2021

The garden story

 I can hear crowds shouting far away like a public pool, And the wind passing the trees like waves crashing on the beach, air rushing past my ear like like in running at the speed of sound. and then smell of fruit and veggies like perfume willow trees with branches swishing from side to side, fences like clouds and green containers like the grass in side our school garden.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Robber mice.

 Once apon a time there was a mice gang of 3, they had stole some glasses and jackets and a hat they herd LOUD bashing on the door. Oh no its the rat police! said one Hide! said the other mice, They scatted and Then... the rat police bashed the door in and started looking for then but they were hidden to well for them to find them. one of then mice made a floor bored creek when they looked where they heard it and nothing was there. But then the rat police pulled out a dangerous weapon mice bomb kills mice in seconds it said on the container, the rat police then put on gas masks and pulled the pin and threw the mice bomb sending gas all over the house. Run! said one of the mice they jumped out of the window got in there van lets never steal stuff ever again. You can say that again the other mice said and they never stole stuff ever again. The end. :)

Monday, March 1, 2021

My Monday mashup change.

 Today for our next Monday mashup we had to get new teams we we got into new teams. our first challenge was to make a word from things we had to make the word taskmaster, we got 2 points for that then we had to make he word rawhiti we got 4 points from, that so that was 6 points from that task. our next task was to find out what contery says the word woof and we got one right Chinese so we got 1 point. so then we had 7 points. now what we had to next was balance as meany things one one of our team members heads, so then we managed to balance a cricket base for wickets 3 books and 1 cone but then it was brake time so i didn't see out score. To see what happens next wait for my next Monday mash up blog post.

Monday mashup (again)

I did Monday mash up again What we did was we need to make something to fling a shoe into a hop we put a hockey stick into a hole put the shoe on the end and we flung it it didn't go to far we got 3 points that one a team got 5 points two other teams got 4 points and one team got 1 or 2 points we now had 12 points next challenge was to find something that started with s we were thinking sand sock stone or a person like... some body that started with s? But because brake time started we didn't get t see the scores so we hot 3 points that was the end of the Monday mashup we what happens next on the end Monday mashup.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

My Monday mashup.

for our first Monday mashup we chose what I chose task master so then we had to make a song about our task master we had 10 mins to make it it needed 3 rhymes as well and it needed 15 words it went like this Yo Urmi's the task master cuz she like's pasta she likes tennis and cheese yeah. we got 4 points from that almost everybody got 4 points our next challenge was to find a face and draw it needed to be by luck we had 10 mins to do it this part is hard to say so ill skip to the points so our team 5 points and that was the end of that day we got 9 points in that day and we had the most for that day. To see what happens next wait for my next Monday mashup blog.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Radical santa.

Santa's reindeer are to tired to carry Santa's slay he tried to my them go but they wont budge. Santa didn't think he would need to do this...... tonight Santa needs to use his Santa mobile it has guns on it. that his robot friend billy made for him. so then Santa packed his presents, he then tied it on with a thin rope it wont fall.he then turned on his Santa mobile and then went flying then he began yeeting the presents from his Santa mobile some were THICK some were skinny some were big some were small after a very long day Santa went home Santa. will make his raindairs pay for not rideing with him.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

My first journal.

My first journal 2021. So far this year 2021 we got put into our groups. I like our groups im in a group with some of my old friends from rongomatane, i've enjoyed playing prodigy this year i haven't played it before. Also we have school lunches given for free. Im going to work on my swimming im not the best and I think I can do better.